Workshop BM 6-8 juin 2023 sur l’utilisation des marqueurs moléculaires dans le cadre des études DHS

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Workshop BM 6-8 juin 2023 sur l’utilisation des marqueurs moléculaires dans le cadre des études DHS

Les inscriptions sont ouvertes !!

Le GEVES est heureux d’annoncer son premier workshop sur l’utilisation de marqueurs moléculaires dans le cadre des études officielles de DHS. La formation se déroulera en présentiel près de La Rochelle, France, et vise à offrir un mélange de cours théoriques et de travaux pratiques.

Ce workshop s’adresse aux personnes qui jouent un rôle dans le processus d’enregistrement des variétés, par exemple dans un office d’examen ou dans une autorité compétente associée.

Aucune condition préalable n’est requise en biologie moléculaire ou dans les marqueurs moléculaires à base d’ADN.

La formation se tiendra en anglais et le nombre de places sera limité (max 16 places) afin de faciliter les échanges et la pratique.

Les modalités pratiques (programme et agenda, frais et modalités d’inscription) seront prochainement communiquées.

Contact :

Aim of the workshop

A growing number of varieties are being submitted for DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity, and Stability) testing for Plants Breeder’s Rights and/or National Listing. Candidate varieties which are potentially similar to varieties of common knowledge, have to be grown side by side in trials. Field trials being increasingly resource demanding, there is an interest to reduce the number of varieties grown in DUS trials. How can the DUS system adapt to this increasing workload while keeping  the same level of performance? How can we optimise our use of variety collections for planting DUS field trials?

Molecular markers are a useful tool to help to improve quality and efficiency in DUS testing.

The Workshop is intended to instruct the participant on the theory and practices on molecular markers and their uses in DUS testing.

Contents overview

Lectures on:

  • Basic DNA techniques and genotyping method, data interpretation
  • Principle of DUS and practical DUS testing
  • UPOV guidelines
  • Use of molecular markers in the DUS study (Maize example)
  • Other applications of molecular markers
  • Pro and cons


Laboratory hands on sessions: following a maize sample through all the different steps of molecular analysis:

  • Sampling
  • DNA extraction
  • SNP assay on different platforms
  • Genotyping result, data interpretation







Download the provisional programme


Target Group

Applicants should have a role in the variety registration process such as in an examination office or in an associated competent authority.

No prerequisite is required in molecular biology, or in DNA based molecular markers.


Fee: 700 Euros

Participation fee includes supporting material for the workshop, lunches and coffee breaks, the workshop dinner on Wednesday night, and transfer between the workshop venue (Le Magneraud Surgères) and La Rochelle City Centre. Attendees will be responsible for all other meals and for their own transportation and accommodation.



The workshop will be held at the BioGEVES Laboratory located at Le Magneraud Experimental Unit CS 40052 – Saint Pierre d’Amilly – 17700 SURGERES – FRANCE


Registration (before 30th April)



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