Cavaillon-Carpentras SEV Unit

Cavaillon-Carpentras SEV Unit

The Cavaillon Unit is responsible for variety testing of vegetable, fruit, ornamental, aromatic, and oilseed species.

Station Activities

GEVES’s Cavaillon-Carpentras Experimental Unit, which is based at the INRAE PACA centre, is responsible for variety testing of vegetable and ornamental species in liaison with the Brion station, and aromatic and oilseed species.

It carries out testing which is required for:

  • Registering and protecting varieties
  • Seed certification for soy and sunflower varieties.

This unit is also involved in the conservation of genetic resources (artichoke, solanaceous crops).

Experts who work at this station play a key role in the evolution of protocols and testing methods at national and international levels, through their collaboration with organisations such as the CTPS, the CPVO and UPOV, and also through methodological research projects which are conducted at the station.

Trials conducted at the station



Variety Checking

Vegetable species

Garlic X X
Artichoke X X
Aubergine X X
Beetroot X  
Cardoon X X
Chicory X  
Broccoli X X
Chinese cabbage X X
Brussel sprouts X X
Cauliflower X  
Vegetable cabbage X  
Spring onion X X
Cucumber X X
Squash X X
Courgette X X
Fennel X X
Fava bean X X
Lettuce X  
Melon X X
Turnip X  
Onion X X
Watermelon X X
Pepper X X
Leek X X
Chard  X X
Chickpea X X
Pumpkin X X
Squash rootstocks X X
Solonaceous rootstocks X X
Rocket X X
Tomatoes X X

Ornamental species

Basil X  
Lagerstroemia X  
Oleander X  
Lavendar X  
Mint X  
Solanum glaucophyllum X  

Field species

Soy X X
Sunflower   X


Human resources

  • Head of Unit: David HIDROT
  • 24 permanent agents
  • 60 months/year of seasonal workers/short-term contracts


Material resources

  • 58ha of land
  • 0.8ha of greenhouse tunnels


Cavaillon-Carpentras Experimental Unit – 4790 Route des Vignères – 84250 LE THOR – FRANCE
Tel: +33 4 90 78 66 60

Name Job Mail


Head of Unit

Head of Vegetable DUS

M. Christophe LE DUFF

Deputy Head of Unit

Head of Vegetable DUS

Ms Sandrine HAUBOIS

Unit Administration

Ms Chrystelle JOUY

Scientific and Regulatory Advisor

Head of Vegetable DUS


Head of Soy DUS

M. Baptiste LEDERER

Head of Fruit DUS

M. Laurent PICCA

Site Management