

Official recognition of collection managers

Decree No. 2015-1731 of 22 December 2015 (Art. D.660-3) stipulates that official recognition as a manager of a plant genetic resources collection shall be granted to natural or legal persons who:

  • Define selection criteria for adding or removing material from the plant genetic resources collection.
  • Ensure traceability throughout the flow of plant genetic resources, with a track of the resources’ direct suppliers and users who have received resource samples. In particular, traceability documents must be kept for all steps of the process.
  • Keep information on the legal status of plant genetic resources, especially with regard to the existence or absence of intellectual property rights, and clauses concerning their distribution and use.
  • Define the necessary conservation methods and means for plant genetic resources.
  • Respect the network charter guidelines when carrying out activities within the network.
  • Undertake to update a database of the plant genetic resources they manage, and identify in particular any heritage plant genetic resources.
  • Undertake to send a list of plant genetic resources, upon request, to the Ministry of Agriculture, as part of their national coordination activities. They will publish information on all heritage plant genetic resources that they manage. The nature of this information will be specified by order of the Ministry of Agriculture.


On the basis of these elements, an application for official recognition has been compiled by the PGR CTPS Section. This application is accompanied by a technical regulation which lays down the conditions and procedures for evaluating applications. Please note that these documents are only available in French.

Two review sessions of official recognition files will be held each year by an expert panel in autumn (file submission by April 30) and in spring (file submission by October 31).

Add to national collection

Adding in PGR’s national collection

(please note that application forms and documents are only available in French)

The technical regulation for examining applications in order to add plant genetic resource (PGR) to the national collection was approved by decree on the 19th July 2019 and published in the Official Journal on the 3rd August 2019. This regulation aims to :

  • clarify the criteria by which a PGR can be qualified as a “plant genetic resource for and food and agriculture” (PGRFA) or as a heritage plant genetic resource,
  • identify the conditions under which a PGRFA, whether or not it’s a heritage resource, may be included in the national collection,
  • determine criteria under which the application must be evaluated.

Criteria for identifying PGRFA or Heritage PGR and decision-making criteria for the entry of a resource into the national collection are specified using the following decision trees :

Critères d'identification des RPGAA et RPGPAT et de décision pour l'entrée en collection nationale d'une ressource d'origine française

Critères d’identification des RPGAA et RPGPAT et de décision pour l’entrée en collection nationale d’une ressource d’origine française

Critères d'identification des RPGAA et RPGPAT et de décision pour l'entrée en collection nationale d'une ressource d'origine étrangère

Critères d’identification des RPGAA et RPGPAT et de décision pour l’entrée en collection nationale d’une ressource d’origine étrangère

The adding of plant genetic resources shall be made using the application form for the national collection and as far as possible according to the framework presented in Annex II of the application form. Applicants can use the pre-formatted form for this purpose. This file contains specific tabs for:

Two examination sessions for official recognition will be held each year by the CTPS Plant Genetic Resources Section. The application deadlines have to be met by 31 January at the latest for the winter session and 31 August for the autumn session.