Training at GEVES
GEVES is one of France’s leading training providers for the seed sector.
Custom training
In need of specific training in one of GEVES’s fields of expertise? Please contact our training correspondents below and we will work with you to put together a training programme that is tailored to your requirements.
Training programme
A programme of our French training courses is put together each year : see the training program in French
Should you have any queries or require further information please do not hesitate to contact us:
For lab training courses on seed quality:
- Fabienne BRUN
- +33 (0)2 41 22 58 91
For field training courses on variety evaluation:
- Rachel TESSIER
- +33 (0)2 41 22 85 93
For lab training courses on molecular biology and biochemistry
- +33 (0)5 46 68 30 38
For all SEMAE Formation training courses:
- +33 (0)2 41 72 18 50
For certification examinations to validate the « seed analyst basics » and « senior seed analyst » training courses:
- Please register at the same time as you register for the corresponding training course, either with ASFIS or GEVES (see below).
- To register, candidates must have attended the corresponding preparatory training within the two previous years.
- Fabienne BRUN
- +33 (0)2 41 22 58 91