BioGEVES is the laboratory for molecular biology and biochemistry at GEVES. The laboratory carries out analyses for seed certification and variety registration and protection. It also offers its services to private companies within the seed sector.

Main activities

  • Conduct molecular and biochemical analyses on plant varieties and seeds:
    • Characterise varieties
    • Test variety identity and purity
    • Check for presence of resistance genes
    • Evaluate technical characteristics
    • Detect GMOs and pathogens
  • Improve and develop methods:
    • Monitor scientific and technical developments
    • Research programs
    • Adapt, optimise and validate national and international protocols
    • Monitor and participate in interlaboratory circuits
    • Guidance and development on request

Analyses and Methodological research

BioGEVES performs 4 major types of analyses:

  • Detection of GMOs
  • Detection of pathogens and other specific sequences
  • Genotyping
  • Analysis of biochemical constituants

Around 45 methods are routinely used, applying:

  • DNA amplification by PCR (SSR, SNP, ISSR, CAPS, etc.)
  • Protein electrophoresis
  • Chromatography (HPLC and GC)
  • Spectrometry
  • Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (RMN)


For enquiries about BioGEVES’s services, please contact Caroline LE QUILLIEC at our Magneraud department.

Domaine du Magneraud – CS 40052
17700 Surgères
Tel: +33 (0)5 46 68 30 38

25 rue Georges Morel
CS 90024
49071 Beaucouzé cedex

First and last name Position Email address
Director of BioGEVES
Arnaud REMAY
Head of Genotyping Unit
Patricia LEM
Head of Biochemistry Unit
Amandine LE VAN
Head of Detection Unit

3 areas of expertise

BioGEVES has high-level laboratories and equipment at two different locations in France, Beaucouzé and Le Magneraud, with approximately 20 engineers and technicians working in 3 teams:


The genotyping team, based in Le Magneraud, uses biomolecular techniques (electrophoresis and amplification by PCR) to carry out variety testing.


The biochemistry team conducts tests as part of the regulatory technical studies on new varieties before they are placed on the market, and to evaluate seed quality for national and international trade.

 The biochemistry team also contributes to the development and standardisation of testing methods, developing and adapting methods to meet the needs of the seed sector. It also monitors interlaboratory circuits in French and European laboratories.


This team was formed in 2008 and carries out activities involving detection using biomolecular techniques. Detection and quantification of GMOs and pathogens is now an important part of its activities. For these two subjects, the Detection team conducts testing, and develops and optimises protocols. It also carries out targeted research programs.

Quality at BioGEVES

BioGEVES is COFRAC accredited to ISO 17025 since 2004 for certain parts of its activities (Cofrac section laboratoires N°1-1316 GEVES-Beaucouzé and Cofrac N°1-6176 GEVES-Le Magneraud).

BioGEVES is certified to ISO 9001 for biochemical and biomolecular analyses on plant varieties and seeds since 2009.

Find out more about GEVES’s quality assurances