Register a Variety in the French Catalogue

Register a Variety in the French Catalogue

Pour chaque variété candidate à l’inscription au Catalogue Officiel Français, le déposant ou son représentant doit déposer un dossier auprès du secrétariat général du CTPS.

Application procedure

  • File an application with the relevant forms, providing all necessary information for organising the technical examination, including the chosen denomination for the variety.
  • Provide plant material (seeds from the variety): the quantity to send and the location both depend on the species, and are specified in the notices available in “Access to documents”.
  • Pay the fees for the variety’s technical examination as set out by in the CTPS Price List for the current year, available at the bottom of this page (payment due upon receipt of invoice).
The closing dates for applications and providing plant material are provided in the document entitled “Notices”. You have the possibility to send your applications for registration by email. For more information on the procedure: “E-application procedure

Access to documents

All documents needed for filing an application (forms and information documents) are available for each species using the search engine below:

Guide to the application forms

Type of form For which species? For what purpose?
Form no. 1
All species
Essential administrative information
Technical form no. 2
All species
Description based on basic morphological and physiological characteristics for the DUS examination
Technical form no. 2bis
Species with VCUS for registration on List A
Agricultural, technological and environmental results for the VCUS examination
Variety denomination proposal
All species
In order to validate the chosen denomination(s) – Find out more about denomination testing
Hybrid variety form 1b
All species
If the variety is a hybrid: Vegetable hybrid form
Field crop hybrid form
PMA Form
All species
If requesting Provisional Authorisation for Sale in France before the technical examinations are concluded.
Vegetable PMA initial form
Vegetable PMA renewal form
Field crop PMA initial form
Field crop PMA renewal form
Results take-over form
All species
If the DUS examination has already been carried out by another EU examination office
DUS take-over form

In addition to these forms, various information documents are also available:

  • Notices/practical guides with instructions and useful information for filing an application for registration in the catalogue, according to the species
  • Technical rules explaining how the technical examinations are conducted for each species group or species
  • Protocols for carrying out the technical examinations for each species
  • Lists of references for species with VCUS examinations (agricultural species)
  • VCUS examination results for registered varieties (agricultural species).


Please send your application form by Email

or to the following address:

For further information, please contact :


Application fee

The CTPS Price Schedule presents the fees for applications for registration in the Official Catalogue of Species and Varieties, and for varieties registered or re-registered in the Official Catalogue of Species and Varieties.

Tests carried out for variety registration are subject to the annual payment of different administrative and technical fees by the applicant. After registration, an annual fee must be paid to maintain the variety in the Official French Catalogue. These fees are set out in the CTPS Price Schedule which is updated each year. They are listed by type of examination and by species or species group. The annual update of the CTPS’s prices takes into account changes in regulations and technical protocols, as well as costs incurred for testing, whilst maintaining the principle of mutualisation between “small” and “large” species. These price evolutions help to optimise the testing scheme, and assure the quality and reliability of results needed for registration. The CTPS works with GEVES to promote the attractivity of the Official French Catalogue, both technically and economically, and to promote the use of variety data produced from these tests.

GEVES has obtained Research Tax Credit (CIR) and Innovation Tax Credit (CII) accreditation, as an organisation carrying out research and development work on behalf of companies.
Eligible expenditure relating to operations entrusted to GEVES may be included in the basis of assessment for the CIR and CII.