TWO Videoconference: “Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!”

30 Jun 20 Image

TWO Videoconference: “Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!”

“Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!was the new meeting routine for this 52nd UPOV TWO (Technical working group for ornamental plants) which was held by video conference from June 8th to 12th, 2020, in the Geneva time zone. This new formula made it possible to greatly increase the number of participants (up to 70) from 22 countries/organisations (compared to 12 during the previous TWO in New Zealand). 

Discussions were divided between the revision of general documents (UPOV activities and news, information on the PLUTO database, international cooperation, etc.), more technical presentations such as the minimum distance between vegetatively propagated varieties in ornamental plants or resistance tests in ornamental plants, the partial revision of 2 guidelines: Calibrachoa and Chrysanthemum, and the complete revision of 11 guidelines: Anthurium, Berberis, Coreopsis, Echinacea, Eustoma, Hydrangea, Lagerstroemia, Magnolia, Ranunculus, Statice and Zinnia. On the basis of those fruitful discussions, the experts agreed that the draft Test Guidelines for Calibrachoa, and Chrysanthemum on the one hand and Coreopsis, Hydrangea, Lagerstroemiaand Ranunculus on the other hand should be submitted for adoption to the TC at its 56th session, to be held in Geneva on October 26th and 27th, 2020. 

Mr Henk J. DE GREEF (Naktuinbouw – Netherlands) hands over as President to Ms Ashley BALCHIN (Canadian Food Inspection Ageny-Ottawa, Canada).  

We wish Henk a flourishing retirement!  

…and see you next year in Roelofarendsveen in the Netherlands for the 53rd TWO! 

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