News from the CTPS maize and sorghum section – 19/01/2023

7 Mar 23 Image

News from the CTPS maize and sorghum section – 19/01/2023

The CTPS maize and sorghum section, meeting on 19 January 2023, approved the proposal to register 80 maize varieties and 9 sorghum varieties. After publication in the Official Journal, the results of the registered maize varieties will be made available to users on the Varmaïs website.

In view of the results of the 2022 campaign, the section supported the importance of variety evaluation in a changing climatic context. The evaluation of varieties in climatically stressed environments should be prioritised in the work of the maize VCUS expert group.

The section will hold a special section in the spring on the Organic Farming Regulation EU/2018/848. Amendments must be adopted in the technical regulation for the examination of maize varieties for “Organic Varieties Adapted to Organic Production” before 1 July 2023.

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