CTPS Sunflower and Soybean section – 13/01/2023

7 Mar 23 Image

CTPS Sunflower and Soybean section – 13/01/2023

The Sunflower and Soybean section met on January 13, 2023 to propose 10 new soybean varieties for registration on list A and 3 soybean varieties on list B. Terres Univia and Terres Inovia illustrated, during the soya evaluation trials, the decrease in yield and production caused by the drought and heat peaks of summer 2022, despite the increase in surface areas. The section discussed the conditions for the evaluation of a first oleic soybean variety and a first oleic population sunflower variety for organic farming. The participants in the section were also informed of regulatory news, CTPS news, interviews conducted by GEVES on soybean varieties for organic farming and the progress report on the section’s SPAD (Seeds and Plants for Sustainable Agriculture) plan.

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