National survey: Inventory of stakeholders, collections and activities in plant genetic resources for food and agriculture

21 Jun 19 Image

National survey: Inventory of stakeholders, collections and activities in plant genetic resources for food and agriculture

As part of its participation in the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), France is requested to provide information on the status of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) at the national level in order to contribute to the third global report, which is expected to be published by FAO from 2023 onwards. A survey aimed at identifying the actions carried out, since July 2014, by the various stakeholders involved in the conservation and sustainable use of these resources in France was launched in mid-May 2019.

In addition to meeting France’s international commitments, this survey also provides an opportunity to highlight the activities and stakeholders involved at national level in the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA through the establishment of an inventory that will be made public.

Established in 1983 within the FAO organisation, in a context of climate change and global biodiversity loss, the CGRFA helps to guide international initiatives on the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA which cover cultivated plant species (out of forest tree), their wild relatives and wild food plants.

The CGRFA Global Action Plan (second edition in implementation since 2011) aims to provide voluntary application policies at the national level to improve the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA. The evolution of the roadmap of the Global Plan of Action follows the adoption of the Report on the Global Status of PGRFA (second version published in 2009), based on reports provided by the Member States, and thus compiling all reviews of the implementation of the Global Plan of Action at the national level.

The ITPGRFA, which came into force in 2004 and has been signed by France, is the result of FAO’s work and has strengthened the actions of the CGRFA. In particular, the ITPGRFA has established a multilateral system to facilitate access to PGRFA and to share the benefits arising from their use in a fair and equitable manner.

In order to contribute to the third global report, to be published by FAO from 2023 onwards, France must provide information on the status of PGRFA at the national level on the basis of two questioning periods, first from January 2012 to June 2014 and then from July 2014 to December 2019. A summary of the actions carried out in France during the first survey period was published in 2015. It is in this context that this survey is taking place, the purpose of which is to identify the actions carried out, since July 2014, by the various stakeholders involved in the conservation and sustainable use of these resources in France. A more specific survey on the state of conservation and sustainable use of ornamental and medicinal plant genetic resources will be carried out in a second phase in 2020.

In addition to meeting France’s international commitments, this survey also provides an opportunity to highlight the activities and stakeholders involved at a national level in the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA. Thus, the data collection will make it possible to inventory conservation actions carried out in France, to promote them and to identify those that need to be developed and supported in the context of the sustainable use of PGRFA.

In order to identify as many activities as possible, a single and comprehensive questionnaire was developed for the wide range of stakeholders involved in the conservation and use of PGRFA in France. Several categories of activities have been defined: in situ management, ex situ conservation, research and resource management projects, management of local varieties and farmers’ varieties, varietal improvement, communication to the general public and human resources. The survey is also available in pdf format in order to get an overview of the expected data.

The collection of data through this questionnaire and processed by GEVES is intended to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The planned conditions for data collection and use are developed in the survey.

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02 41 22 86 45

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