The GEVES Board of Directors meets with GEVES experts

5 Jul 22 Image

The GEVES Board of Directors meets with GEVES experts

Each year, a meeting of the GEVES Board of Directors takes place at one of the GEVES stations. At the end of June 2022, this meeting took place at the Anjouère station, an experimental unit specialised in variety testing for agricultural and ornamental species. The board of directors was given a presentation of the activities and priorities of this unit, and then had the opportunity to exchange views with the station’s staff.

During the site visit following the board meeting, various variety testing activities were presented, as well as work on the development of a method for testing variety tolerance to beet yellow dwarfing, sclerotinia in oilseed rape and the platform for testing cereal variety resistance to rusts. The directors were also able to see in the field several agro-ecological transition measures implemented across the trials, in particular for weed control or using homogenisation crops.

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