GEVES infrastructure on-going modernisation project – Episode 1
GEVES has undertaken renovation work to modernise its infrastructures to better respond to evolving needs of regulations and of the seed industry, as well as to keep on enhancing Health and Safety rules.
Throughout the course of the modernisation project, we will keep you informed with several episodes of this newsletter.
Episode 1 of our series deals with the first stage of renovation work which concerned the pathology laboratory of the National Seed Testing Station (SNES) of GEVES with an extension of the laboratory and the building of a new greenhouse.
This new 200 m2 surface area extends the laboratory’s quarantine climatic chambers area. It allows the extension of the rooms intended for the evaluation of variety resistance within the framework of the listing of new varieties in the French catalog and the building of 6 new modules.
You can view the new premises here:
The extension of more than 200 m2 extends the laboratory’s quarantine climatic chambers area. It has allowed the extension of the rooms intended for the evaluation of the resistance of varieties to nematodes (beet, potato, forrage crucifers) and the creation of a new handling room serving 6 climatic modules. Following the Patholed workshop, we chose to equip these modules with Leds, 4 modules in white light and 2 in multispectral, in order to better refine the different light conditions necessary for the pathosystems being worked on. This extension was completed by a room for the preparation of plant samples: sowing, transplanting, allowing to separate the “plant” zone from the “laboratory” zone and thus minimize the risks of cross-contamination, as well as a cold room for the conservation of seeds of reference material and varieties under study. Lock rooms are placed at each end of the zone in compliance with quarantine conditions.
A new greenhouse was also built. With a surface area of 157 m2 and with a containment level Ns2, it allows to work with Quarantine Organisms and satisfy the growing needs for the national listing of varieties. Thus, from 2021, this new greenhouse will enable the laboratory to set up resistance tests for forrage crucifers to Meloidogyne chitwoodi and fallax.
The activity of the laboratory was maintained throughout the duration of the work in order to meet the needs of the seed chain.
Now it’s the turn of Customer Service and Sampling to modernize its infrastructure, while maintaining its activity to meet your needs.