ISTA accreditation of GEVES is renewed

29 Aug 22 Image

ISTA accreditation of GEVES is renewed

Renewed for 3 years, this accreditation recognises the competence of the GEVES teams and guarantees the quality and reliability of its seed quality analysis results. On this occasion, two new tests were added to the scope of accreditation: the presence/absence of alkaloid in Lupin seeds and the detection of Ditylenchus dipsaci on Alfalfa seeds and of D. dipsaci and D. gigas on Faba Bean seeds. GEVES is one of the largest ISTA laboratories, with a very complete scope of accreditation, covering all ISTA species groups for a very wide range of tests, in order to meet the needs of the entire seed industry and French seed exports; this very wide scope of accreditation contributes to the strong French position within the ISTA bodies. The full scope is available on the ISTA website.

The ISTA accreditation allows GEVES to issue ISTA International Certificates, widely used for the international seed trade, and more particularly the International Orange Certificates (OICs), which also guarantee the representativeness of the results to the whole seed lot, thanks to the control of sampling conditions. These certificates are recognised worldwide, through the use of internationally recognised methods published in the ISTA Rules, and largely allow the export of seeds produced in France.

In accordance with European directives, the ISTA methods are used for seed certification in France. ISTA accreditation thus enables GEVES to fully assume its role as NRL for seeds and plants at the service of the French seed industry.


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