GEVES ready as H2020 INVITE project kicks off!

8 Mar 19 Image

GEVES ready as H2020 INVITE project kicks off!

The H2020 INVITE* project aims to improve both the efficiency of variety testing (DUS, VCU) and the availability of information for stakeholders on variety performance under a range of production conditions. 

Based on the study of ten plant species, the project aims to promote varieties that are more adapted to sustainable agricultural practices and more resistant to climate change. This project, led by the IRHS, was accepted in December 2018 and will start in mid-2019 for a period of 5 years. It brings together 27 partners from 12 different countries, including 12 examination offices. GEVES will participate in the development of new tools for phenotyping and genotyping varieties, and in the implementation of models and statistical tools to predict variety performance in various environments. It will be responsible for steering the actions to make these tools available to testing authorities (including the CPVO) and variety evaluators. 


*INnovations in plant VarIety Testing in Europe to foster the introduction of new varieties better adapted to varying biotic and abiotic conditions and to more sustainable crop management practices

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