GEVES partner of the SeedBioProtect project: seed protection using biocontrol solutions

2 Dec 22 Image

GEVES partner of the SeedBioProtect project: seed protection using biocontrol solutions

Following the call for expressions of interest launched by the French PlantAlliance and Biocontrol consortia, 10 players from the public research, seed and crop protection sectors came together under the leadership of Loïc Rajjou, teacher-researcher at the IJPB(1), giving rise to SeedBioProtect project. This project deals with the issue of the effectiveness of biocontrol solutions to protect seeds against pests.

SeedBioProtect aims to provide answers by investigating: the mode of action of biocontrol solutions, the response of seeds and young seedlings to induce defence mechanisms at the molecular level. The metabolic and molecular defence mechanisms of seeds during their development, maturation and germination will be explored in order to be able to identify relevant strategies for stimulating these processes in association with biocontrol solutions.

This work will be carried out on a panel of wheat and tomato genotypes. The study of the microbiota and its heritability will be fully integrated into the seed protection strategy using biocontrol approaches. GEVES, as partner in this project, will be involved in – Development of robust and evaluation tools for the effectiveness of biocontrol solutions in seed protection.

One of the final objectives will be to propose complementary methods (in vitro and in vivo) for evaluating the efficacy of seed protection by biocontrol solutions.


(1)Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, Versailles

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