GEVES COFRAC accredidation maintained and extended

2 Oct 23 Image

GEVES COFRAC accredidation maintained and extended

Following the surveillance audit in Spring 2023, the COFRAC accreditation of GEVES was maintained. This accreditation mainly concerns seed pest detection methods (Beaucouzé site) and GMO detection (Magneraud site).

The Beaucouzé site’s scope of accreditation xas extended to include tests for the detection and identification of Plasmopara halstedii on sunflower seeds by real-time PCR, using the in-house method ANA/PAT/QS/MY/MO/008.

The full GEVES scope of accreditation is available on the COFRAC website at the following links: 1-1316 (Beaucouzé site) and 1-6176 (Magneraud site)

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