GEVES at annual meeting of ISTA Executive Committee – Freising, Germany

11 Mar 19 Image

GEVES at annual meeting of ISTA Executive Committee – Freising, Germany

On 9-16 February, GEVES participated in the annual Executive Committee (ECOM) meeting of ISTA. It was hosted by the Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft Institut für Pflanzenbau & Pflanzenzüchtung Saatgutuntersuchung/Saatgutforschung, Freising, Germany (Dr. Berta Killermann). The meeting covered the main areas related to the general governance of the Association. 

An important point on the agenda was the examination and approval of the new Seed Testing Rules which will be voted on at the Ordinary General Meeting in June 2019, Hyderabad, India. GEVES is heavily involved in new rules proposals, chairing the germination, seed health, and proficiency test committees. The GEVES is also vice chair of the GMO committee and a member of several committees (Vigour, Purity, Other Seed Determination, Tétrazolium, moisture).  The Rules proposals will be made available on the ISTA website by the end of April 2019. 

Over recent years, ISTA has built up strong financial capacities. Therefore, the ECOM decided to propose to maintain membership fees at the 2018 price with a 10% discount for early payment.  It was also decided to financially support projects submitted by the technical committees, with the aim to promote the development of new methods and new technologies. 

On 13 and 14 February, chairs and vice chairs of the technical committees met with the ECOM to share a common vision of ISTA and prioritise actions for the future, in light of potential impacts from new technology and climate change.   

The ISTA strategy for the period 2019-2022 has been drafted and will be submitted for approval to the members and to the Designated Authorities for a vote at the Ordinary General Meeting, 02 July, in Hyderabad, INDIA. 

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