DonObt: A test year for maize in 2019

11 Mar 19 Image

DonObt: A test year for maize in 2019

The DonObt project, which studies how to use breeders’ data to accelerate registration and improve user information, is nearing completion for maize. This project is aimed across all species and intends to develop a new approach which takes into account all data from the continuum for variety registration. 

A Memorandum of Understanding on the use of breeder data by the CTPS will apply to all species that are likely to use applicant data. 

For maize, the framework of the decision rule includes a two-step procedure:  
For the first step, it will be verified that the results of the variety under study submitted by the applicant are equivalent to those of the CTPS. In the second step, a decision rule incorporating this equivalence will allow a possibility of registration after the first year of CTPS testing.  
The procedure for verifying the equivalence of results is still being finalised. The decision rule incorporating the concept of equivalence has been presented and validated by experts in the methodology group. This rule should make it possible to increase the number of favourable VCU decisions after a single testing year. 
Applicants wishing to participate in this test year are invited to register the tests that they perform on the platform provided by GEVES, on the condition that these tests comply with certain predefined conditions: system, parcel size, comparison varieties required, etc. 

The year 2019 will be a major test year, regarding both the feasibility and the implications of the CTPS’s decisions. This new scheme will be taken into account in the technical regulation for 2020 applications.  The continuation of the project will allow these possibilities to be taken into account for other species. 

Contact :

Bernard Aizac : – Pilot of AMS DONOBT

Valérie Uyttewaal : – Technical Secretary of the CTPS Section for Maize and Sorghum



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