From the CTPS section Sunflower and Soybean
The Sunflower and Soybean section met on November 23, 2022, to propose the registration of 3 new varieties of sunflower in list A and 4 varieties in list B.
Several modifications of the Sunflower technical regulations were agreed concerning the “Oil +” qualification, the registration thresholds for very early varieties, the possibility of registering modified forms with tolerance to orobanche or herbicides and the rules for the evaluation of Bouche and Oisellerie Sunflowers.
The section discussed intensively the evaluation modalities for a population Sunflower variety, a type of variety that has completely disappeared from the catalogs, and the discussions will continue during the next meeting in January.
The participants were also informed of the results of the Sunflower 2022 campaign, the achievements of the Optimildiou project and the results of the Terres Inovia agricultural practices survey.