From the CTPS section Rapeseed and other cruciferous plants
On November 15, the CTPS “Rapeseed and other cruciferous plants” section proposed the registration of 7 varieties in list A, 3 of which are qualified as “partially resistant” to Turnip Yellows Virus (TuYV). These are in addition of the 20 varieties published in the October 25 registration order as a result of the August 1 section.
During this meeting, different points of evolution concerning DUS and VCUS trials were discussed.
A protocol for an additional test for distinctness concerning a resistance characteristic to Leptosphaeria maculans was validated and will be applied in 2023.
The technical regulation for cruciferous plants for non-seed use (forage or service plants) is being revised, in particular on the decision criteria as well as on the thresholds for the VCUS admission of cruciferous varieties for service plant use. It will be finalized and submitted to the section by mail for validation, publication, and application for the 2023 deposits.
The lists of varieties eligible for CEPP have been updated. 2 new very early varieties and 59 new binomials have been added to the “Trap for meligèthes” sheet, 26 new varieties will be added to the “Fight against the turnip yellows virus on Rapeseed” sheet.
The progress of the actions prioritized by the section in the framework of the SPAD plan were presented and discussed.
This section will meet in 2023 on July 31 and November 14.