From the CTPS Protein Crops section
At its meeting on November 9, the CTPS Protein Crops section proposed the inclusion in the Official Catalog of 22 new varieties including 2 varieties of spring bean, 3 varieties of winter peas, 2 of which are mentioned as “photoperiod reactive, adapted to early seeding”, 11 varieties of spring peas including 2 under the heading “breaker use” and 6 varieties of chickpea of the Kabuli type.
Among the main news items discussed in this section are the first test results of the botrytis and ascochytosis resistance of faba beans, which reveal the good behavior of a candidate variety to these 2 pathogens. The special experiments for the evaluation of tolerance to Aphanomyces on the contaminated network are resuming, with 6 new applications for the 2023 campaign. The first candidate variety claiming resistance to Pea-Seed born Mosaic Virus (PSbMV) will be evaluated via the implementation of a special device next spring, with the establishment of nurseries and dedicated network without aphid treatment. Calculations started last year with the DiagVar model, are continuing on the data from the spring pea network to try to quantify and prioritize the limiting factors responsible for yield losses. Additional characterizations could be revealed through this approach on tolerances or sensitivities to certain limiting factors that remain to be confirmed with the post-registration data. The criteria expected of proteins crop varieties for Organic Agriculture were presented and discussed in different groups with that the observation that the evaluation of characteristics conducted by the CTPS already met many of the criteria required for Organic Agriculture. However, the proposal to add additional Organic Agriculture trials in the winter bean network with a possible financial support of the Ministry will be discussed with the VCUS expert group.