First official recognitions as “collection curators” for plant genetic resources for agriculture and food !
Three collection managers have obtained an official recognition as “collection curator” for plant genetic resources for agriculture and food other than forest trees by the Ministry of Agriculture (Journal Officiel of 29 January 2020) and have been listed in the state-recognised directory of curators.
The Ministry of Agriculture followed the favourable opinion given by the CTPS Section for the Conservation of the Plant Genetic Resources on the 23rd of October 2019 regarding the recognition :
As collection curator of collection(s) for plant genetic resources for agriculture and food :
To the Conservatoire Végétal Régional d’Aquitaine (CVRA) Aquitaine Regional Conservatory Orchard – located in Montesquieu in the Lot-et-Garonne. The CVRA preserves 14 different types of fruit trees with about 2000 accessions planted on 19 ha. These resources are mainly specific to the South-west part of France, resulting from prospecting mainly in the former administrative regions of Aquitaine, Limousin and Midi-Pyrénées. The work carried out by the CVRA and the collections are presented through numerous events and publications that can be consulted on their website (https://www.conservatoirevegetal.com/).
To Mrs Loubert who has been conserving a magnificent collection of roses (about 3000 accessions) on 5 ha at Rosiers-sur-Loire in the Maine-et-Loire over the past 40 years. This rose garden specialises in old varieties of roses mainly those from the 19th century. It also contains rare botanical roses. 300 varieties from the collection are featured in the book “Roses grandeur nature” published in 2018 by Delachaux et Niestlé.
On behalf of a network of collection managers as collection curator for plant genetic resources for agriculture and food:
The Conservatoire des Collections Végétales Spécialisées (CCVS) (Conservatory of specialised plant collections) related to the collection belonging to the Association des Amis de la Collection d’Hydrangea L. Shamrock. (Association of the friends of the collection of Hydrangea L. Shamrock). Founded in 1989, the CCVS encourages introduction, conservation and multiplication of uncommon or little-known plants as well as the valuation of plant collections with the help of scientists specialised in conservation, research and education (http://www.ccvs-france.org/). The CCVS brings together holders of plant collections either public or private such as nurserymen, horticulturists, green space services, botanical gardens, amateur collectors… On a yearly basis, the CCVS labels plant collections that meet precise specifications. The collections are examined by a Collection Committee made up of experts and a Scientific Council made up of independent members (in 2018, 357 collections were approved and labelled national CCVS collection).
The collection of Hydrangea L. belonging to the Association of the friends of the Shamrock collection started in 1983 and contains around 2000 accessions implanted on a surface of 1.5 ha in Varengeville-sur-Mer in Seine-Maritime. The collection is followed in publications and in the book “Portraits of Hydrangea” which contains almost 800 pictures. Additional information is available on the website of the Shamrock association (http://www.hortensias-hydrangea.com/).
Further Information regarding these “collection curators” is available in the directory of state-recognised curators.