25 Jan 21 Image

50th Anniversary of the French Plant Variety Right system & 50th Anniversary of France’s accession to UPOV

2021 is a year rich in events with two anniversaries. On this occasion, a new logo has been created and will accompany the French PVR Office throughout this year.

50th Anniversary of the French Plant Variety Right protection system

The French office in charge of examining applications received its first file on November 10, 1971 for a vine variety. The system is being set up and offers protection for several species from its first year of operation such as wheat, barley, oats, rice, maize, potatoes, peas, beans, lettuce, roses, carnations, flax, tomatoes, strawberries, plums, peaches, pears, quince, cherries, apricots, vines, poplars… since then, all species have been eligible for protection. To find out more about protection

50th Anniversary of France’s accession to UPOV

On the international scene, France joined the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) the same year, in 1971, after a great involvement. France is at the origin of the creation of UPOV: force of proposal, France submits the idea of organizing an international conference in 1957, followed four years later, on December 2, 1961, by the signature of the first act establishing UPOV. This important step definitely marked the consecration of a specific mode of protection for plant varieties thanks to an intelligent approach and the willingness of some countries …UPOV website.

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