20 new botanical genera for Ornamental, Perfume, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
For GEVES’s 2019 testing year, it will be examining 20 new botanical genera which account for 45% of applications received for 2019. DUS examiners are ready to study varieties of Sage, Coreopsis, Spirée or Penstemon, as well as Astrantia, Iberis, Ipomoea and ornamental apple. For several months, our examiners have been completing their expertise on these genera, building reference collections dedicated to DUS experimentation and defining the experimentation protocols to be implemented to study these new varieties.
The team is very enthusiastic to take on this challenge, which is a major but exciting change.
The tests will be carried out at four different locations. The results of these DUS studies will be available for the most part in spring 2020. For species requiring more than one observation cycle, results will be available at a later date.
In addition, the team continues its work on many other genera. To find out more, please consult our web page for Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants.