UPOV Working Group on Automation and Computer Programs (TWC): September 21-23

2 Oct 20 Image

UPOV Working Group on Automation and Computer Programs (TWC): September 21-23

As with many meetings in 2020, the 38th session of the TWC was held in videoconference. Despite this, the meeting was rich in participation and exchanges.

On the programme for this session:

  • Two presentations by France:
    • presentation and implementation of Pathostat, a new statistical tool for decision support for the analysis of laboratory tests for varietal resistance to pests. The result of a research project involving the French Ministry of Agriculture, GEVES, UFS and INRAE, this tool is now focused on vegetable varieties for which the most recent creations carry intermediate genetic resistance. These varieties may require this type of decision support tool for the interpretation of laboratory tests conducted on plants at an early stage of development. This tool is available at https://pathostat.geves.fr
    • coordination by France of a ringtest on the use of COYD and U, statistical techniques for judging the uniformity of a variety on the basis of quantitative data from plant observation. On the basis of the same data set used by participating countries (China, Finland, France, Kenya and the United Kingdom), the purpose of this test is precisely to validate the relevance of the results regardless of the origin of the computer tool used.
  • further discussions aimed at sharing experiences on uniformity assessment for varieties with high variability using the COYU method
  • the ongoing writing of a guidance document on genotype-environment interactions (GEI) to be presented at TWC2021.


See all documents presented and discussed at the TWC2020 meeting: https://www.upov.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=55673

See you in Alexandria (USA) for the next session of the TWC in October 2021.

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