Optimising the variety collection for planting trials: final meeting of the CPVO SNP rapeseed project

4 Oct 21 Image

Optimising the variety collection for planting trials: final meeting of the CPVO SNP rapeseed project

The final meeting of the SNP oilseed rape project, co-funded by the CPVO and coordinated by GEVES, was held by video conference with BSA (Germany, project partner), NIAB (UK, co-partner), TystofteFoundation (Denmark), COBORU (Poland), UKSUP (Slovakia), UKZUZ (Czech Republic) and the CPVO.

BioGEVES presented the conclusions of the project which aimed to develop a method for integrating SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) tagging to facilitate the management of the winter oilseed rapeseed reference collection and to reduce field planting in the 1st year of DUS testing. A new model was proposed and presented at the UPOV BMT (Working Group on Biochemical and Molecular Techniques, September 20-24) and the CPVO AEM (Agricultural Experts Meeting, September 29-30).

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