Meeting of the Seed Group of the Botanical Gardens of France and French-speaking countries (JBFPF) in Paris

3 Apr 23 Image

Meeting of the Seed Group of the Botanical Gardens of France and French-speaking countries (JBFPF) in Paris

The GEVES Botanical Unit was invited to the Meeting of the Seed Group of the Association of Botanical Gardens of France and French-speaking countries (JBFPF) thanks to the Unit’s integration in the seed exchange network known as “Index seminum”. It was held at the Parc Floral de Paris last March with the participation of about twenty Botanical Gardens and Plant Conservatories from France and Switzerland. The central theme was harvesting protocols and seed exchange regulations.

Several subjects were presented, such as in situ collections, the management of collections on arrival at the seed bank, and the regulations linked to passports and phytosanitary certificates necessary for the exchange of plants and seeds between the EU and third countries (DRAAF Ile de France).

The group discussed the management of botanical collections with the presentation of the “Botalista” tool that was created to meet the needs of botanical collection management. The meeting also included visits to the Graineterie of the Jardin Botanique de Paris, the Jardin Alpin and the South Africa collection, the magnificent Graineterie of the National Natural History Museum Museum and the botanical school of the Jardin de Plantes in Paris.

The Botanical Unit came away with a wealth of new ideas and fruitful exchanges for the development of its activities.

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