Meeting of official plant health laboratories network

5 Jul 22 Image

Meeting of official plant health laboratories network

On 21 June, the annual meeting of the official plant health laboratories network was held. This meeting, attended by 80 people, was co-organised by ANSES, FranceAgriMer and GEVES. The meeting included presentations from the French ministry of Agriculture and Food (DGAL), ANSES, FranceAgriMer and GEVES:

DGAL: instruction DGAL/SAS/2022-160, the impact of EU regulation 2021/1352 on accreditations, progress of the Resytal project, considerations on the frequency of EILs.

ANSES: Evolution of the network of official plant health laboratories  and news in bacteriology and virology; Insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa; news in nematology (new method of identification of Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis; Video resources on the site of the LRUE nematodes)

GEVES: NRL news, new detection method for Clavibacter michiganensis michiganensis on tomatoes, New network to come for the detection of Ditylenchus dipsaci in lucerne.

FranceAgriMer: History of the laboratory and designation as NRL, EILA for the detection of grapevine viruses and methodological work

A presentation on pipette metrology ended the meeting. The next network meeting will be held in 2023 in Angers.


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