LIVESEEDING: 2nd annual meeting of the European project

27 Oct 23 Image

LIVESEEDING: 2nd annual meeting of the European project

More than 50 partners met in POZNAN (Poland) from 25 to 29 September to discuss the progress of the LIVESEEDING project.

Its main aim is to promote the growth of the organic sector and the transition to more sustainable local food systems by supplying high-quality organic seed of various cultivars suitable for organic agriculture for a wide range of crops.

To achieve the goal of « 100% organic seeds by 2036”, LIVESEEDING strives to:

  • Increase and optimise the diversity of crops to be used in organic agriculture systems
  • Increasing the transparency of the organic seed industry
  • Test of cultivars pre- and post-registration dedicated to organic agriculture
  • Increase the supply of organic seed
  • Ensure effective extension and scaling up of organic seed and breeding initiatives
  • Promote the competitiveness of the organic seed and breeding sector
  • Capacity building and participatory knowledge creation from seed to plate
  • Promoting organic breeding supported by value chain partners and society

In order to register new varieties suitable for organic agriculture, as part of the CTPS, GEVES and its partners have been setting up an organic agriculture trial network for soft winter wheat for over 10 years. Trials have also been conducted for durum wheat varieties for several years. More generally, trials under organic conditions have also been set up to assess the VCUS of oat, triticale, soya, oilseed flax and faba bean varieties.

In addition, GEVES is notifying the first French organic heterogeneous material (soft winter wheat) and is also preparing to study organic varieties (selected for organic agriculture) for which the regulations provide for derogations from the uniformity rules for some characteristics, for varieties of carrot, kohlrabi, maize, soft wheat, barley and rye, and in the coming years for other species.

For more information, visit:

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