GEVES takes over management of new EU database for melon varieties

22 Nov 21 Image

GEVES takes over management of new EU database for melon varieties

After 3 years of work involving 5 EU Examination Offices including GEVES, a new tool has been created and finalised by and for these Offices to routinely share the descriptions of melon varieties needed for official DUS studies. The Dutch Office (Naktuinbouw) led the creation of this tool, and now GEVES will take over the tool’s management for 3 years including the development of new improvements. 

Finalised in early 2021, this tool was created by 5 examination offices entrusted by the CPVO for official melon studies. It aggregates administrative data, morphological descriptions and images associated with known melon varieties. This tool combines the DUS studies carried out by each of these Offices; the knowledge of the varieties is therefore better shared and the choice of the potential control varieties to be planted in a DUS trial is reinforced.  

This tool was co-funded by the CPVO during its creation phase, and based on an ad hoc information system developed by GEVES. At the beginning of 2021 it contained the descriptions of more than 3300 varieties studied by the Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Slovakian Offices. GEVES contributed 40% of the data of this EU tool. As new varieties are studied by these Offices, this tool will be enriched with new data including new descriptive characteristics for all the varieties in this database.  

In the coming months, CREA, the Italian Office, will join this group of founding Offices and will build on this tool with its data and contributions.  

For the period 2021-2023, GEVES will take over from the Naktuinbouw for the coordination of the work by these Offices both in the routine use of this tool and in the implementation of new descriptions which, in the long term, will be able to integrate molecular data.  

To be continued!  



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