GEVES at SIVAL Trade Fair 2020

11 Feb 20 Image

GEVES at SIVAL Trade Fair 2020

GEVES was present at the SIVAL trade fair on 14-15-16 January 2020 in Angers with two stands:

– a “Research-Training-Innovation” space with INRAE, AgrocampusOuest, Végépolys Valley, University of Angers, ESA, ISTOM, and GNIS. This space was focused on plant health for the international year of plant health organised by the FAO. GEVES presented different demonstrations, including a vegetable patch to explain the interest of evaluating plant resistance to pathogens.

– a stand with the CPVO (Community Plant Variety Office) to talk about plant expertise used for characterising plant varieties in order to grant PVRs (Plant Variety Rights).


GEVES also proposed a conference with the theme “Can plant varieties be heterogeneous? Technical, regulatory and societal issues”, followed by a round table “What expectations do users have?” with the participation of Virginie Bertoux, Secretary General of the CTPS, Pierre Dorand, manager and creator of l’Aubépin, and Jacques Gautier, president of Gautier Semences. The powerpoint presentation of the conference is available here. Click on the image below to open the Youtube link of the video:











Emmanuelle Chevassus-Lozza, president of INRAE was present at the trade fair to present the INRA-IRSTEA merger and the activities of the INRAE “Pays de la Loire” site, in particular the Angers site specialised in research on plant varieties and seeds, in partnership with GEVES.

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