From the CTPS Potato Section

1 Feb 24 Image

From the CTPS Potato Section

At the CTPS Potato Section meeting held on 15 December 2023, 4 new varieties for consumption were proposed for registration on list A: Chanelle, Millésime, Minette and Sésame.

Sésame and Chanelle have moved into the Firm Flesh category. The Cerisa variety, registered in 2010, has been transferred to the Firm Flesh section following a re-evaluation of the Firm Flesh criteria (taste quality, disintegration, shape, productivity).

3 of these new varieties have a very high environmental rating (=7) and are therefore eligible for CEPP under Action sheet 2017-17 variety “reduce the number of fungicide treatments in potatoes by using varieties with low susceptibility to downy mildew”.  The Acoustic and Lady Jane varieties have been tested for downy mildew and tuber mildew, and their resistance levels also make them eligible for CEPP.

Agroecology mention: the Sesame variety meets all the criteria of the decision grid for obtaining the Agroecology – conservation mention, by combining interesting levels of resistance. This variety joins 3 other varieties for consumption which can also benefit from this mention.

Lastly, the section took note of the update to the DUS protocol, which came into force on 1 December 2023 and enables TPS (True Potato Seeds) to be taken into account.

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