From the CTPS Beet and industrial chicory Section

2 Feb 24 Image

From the CTPS Beet and industrial chicory Section

At its meeting on 18 January, the Beet and Industrial Chicory Section proposed 46 sugar beet varieties, 10 fodder beet varieties and 2 industrial chicory varieties for registration in the French Catalogue.

The section discussed the results of trials inoculated with yellows viruses, which have been underway for 2 years. These trials are used to evaluate all varieties in the 1st and 2nd years of testing, using an experimental set-up with 4 methods: one non-inoculated method and one inoculated method for each of the 3 viruses responsible for yellows (BYV, BMYV and BChV).

The section congratulated all those involved in these trials for their commitment and remarkable work. A working group has been set up to further investigate and interpret the results.

Finally, the section was informed of the intention to register a variety tolerant to SBR (“Syndrôme Basses Richesses”), a disease that reappeared in France this year. The year 2024 will therefore focus on the development of a protocol for future trials.

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