CTPS Vegetable Species Section – 30/3/2023
At its meeting on 30 March 2023, the CTPS “Vegetable Species” Section approved the proposal to register 5 varieties (shallot, witloof and turnip) on list a. Subject to confirmation of the characteristics to be observed during bolting in spring 2023, it will propose the registration of 9 other varieties (broccoli and cauliflower) on list a this summer. In addition to the annual report on official variety inspections carried out last year, this March meeting of the Vegetables Section was marked by the presentation of the draft revision of the CTPS Technical Regulations for registration, discussions on the latest regulatory developments and also an opportunity to share views on organoleptic characterisation of vegetable varieties.
With regard to DUS studies, as usual, the March meeting of the Section examined the applications finalised since the December Section meeting, i.e. some thirty varieties (cauliflower, shallot, lettuce and turnip), 5 of which have been proposed for registration.
With regard to the Technical Rules for Registration (a compilation of the administrative and technical procedures for registration and maintenance in the Catalogue), an update of the previous version dating from 2010 has made it possible to incorporate a number of changes approved by the Section for each of the 4 lists a, b, c and d (continuation or stopping of a DUS study depending on uniformity observed in the 1st DUS cycle, frequency of maintenance checks in lists c and d, etc.). This revision has also made it possible to incorporate the specific DUS study procedures for organic varieties suitable for organic production as defined in the implementing texts of European Regulation 2018/848. The Technical Rules for Registration, which have now been approved, are available online (French version only).
The Section expressed an unfavourable opinion on a proposal from the melon trade association to change the name of the Charentais melon type. Although a possible change in the name of the type would not interfere with a DUS study of melon varieties, the Section expressed the wish to maintain the name of this internationally renowned type of melon, which is historically bred in the Charentes region and is now the main type consumed in France, regardless of its production origin (France, Spain, Morocco, etc.).
As for organoleptic characterisation of vegetable varieties, which is part of the Ministry of Agriculture’s SPAD plan (Seeds & Plants for Sustainable Agriculture), the Section devoted half a day to presentations on current developments. These included an update on consumer expectations in this area, a summary of work on model species and on the correlation between physico-chemical characteristics and sensory perception, and finally, a review of work being carried out by breeders (in conventional and organic farming) highlighting some points of attention.