Call for Applications “Support for Plant Genetic Resources Collections”

2 Feb 18 Image

Call for Applications “Support for Plant Genetic Resources Collections”

The national coordination was set up by the Ministry of Agriculture and is aimed at all stakeholders involved in the conservation, characterisation and promotion of the plant genetic resources of cultivated species and their wild relatives (except forest trees) in France (mainland and overseas).

Its mission is to enhance awareness and support of existing stakeholders and collections in France. This greater visibility of collections will help to promote the work achieved by the managers of these collections and highlight the existing diversity in terms of resources, actors and skills at a French and international level.

As part of the support for collections and stakeholders wishing to be part of this approach, specific actions are implemented to identify needs and support the collections. The following call for applications aims to finance actions corresponding to:

  • Safeguarding endangered collections,
  • The acquisition or improvement of equipment or infrastructure in order to improve the conservation of collections,
  • Improvement of knowledge about collections (phenotypic, molecular characterisation, etc.).


This call for applications is open to natural or legal persons managing in France (mainland France and overseas) one or more collection(s) of plant genetic resources of cultivated species and their wild relatives, public research institutes not being eligible.

All the terms and the application file are available here (French version only).

The deadline for applications is 15 April 2018 inclusive.

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