1 032 new accessions for the National Collection of Plant Genetic Resources !

27 Sep 22 Image

1 032 new accessions for the National Collection of Plant Genetic Resources !

On the 7th of July, the Ministry of Agriculture approved by decree the entry of 1 032 new accessions into the National Collection, bringing the French National Collection to a total of 4 978 accessions.

The accessions involved in these new entries are:

  • ­       570 barley accessions (added by INRAE, Small grain cereals Biological Resources Centre on the behalf of the Small grain cereals public-private cooperation network) – mainly heritage resources and breeding lines
  • ­       233 rye, spelt, einkorn and various durum wheats accessions and crop wild relatives (added by INRAE, Small grain cereals Biological Resources Centre)
  • ­       124 carrot accessions (added by the Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, Carrots and other Apiaceae vegetables Biological Resources Centre on behalf of the Carrots and other Daucus public-private cooperation network) – emblematic accessions representing French diversity and containing a diversity of taxons and geographical origin for the crop wild relatives
  • ­       103 lettuce accessions (added by INRAE, Vegetable Biological Resources Centre on behalf of the Lactuca public-private cooperation network) – comprising traditional varieties, improved varieties and crop wild relatives
  • ­       2 potato accessions (added by INRAE, BrACySol Biological Resources Centre on behalf of the Potato public-private cooperation network)

In addition to the accession passport data (country of origin, name, etc.), these deposits also include morphological characterisation data and disease resistance data for some of them. This information will be made available in the European EURISCO database when the French national inventory is updated in the near future. For species listed in Annex 1 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), these new accessions are being added to the multilateral system of the ITPGRFA by the French government.

The complete list of the new accessions was published on the 23rd of July in the French « Journal Officiel ». You can find details of all the resources in the official directory of the National Collection on the GEVES website under the heading “which resources have been added to the national collection?” – data is available for download.


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