CTPS Section for the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR)

CTPS Section for the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR)


The Technical Committee for Plant Breeding (CTPS) plays an advisory role, providing analysis and guidance to the Ministry of Agriculture. It is composed of 14 Sections organised by species and, following the Decree of 24 November 2015, a new cross-sectional committee for the conservation of Plant Genetic Resources of cultivated species and their crop wild relatives.


The members of this Section are all involved in the conservation, characterisation, and promotion of plant genetic resources. They work with a range of different species, with the exception of forest trees, thereby representing the diversity of cultivated crops.

Members are nominated for their expertise, and appointed by the French Ministry of Agriculture for a period of five years.

CTPS Section for « Plant Genetic Resources » (PGR)
President of the PGR Section : Mr FALCONE Patrick.
Technical secretary : Mrs DIDIER Audrey.

15 Representives appointed with regard to their official functions (public administration)

Representing plant breeders, seed producers, and plant genetic resources conservation networks:
Mrs AUROUSSEAU Frédéric, Mrs AUTHENAC Laëtitia, Mr BEIGBEDER Jean, Mrs CLEMENT NISSOU Isabelle, Mrs DESCLAUX Dominique, Mr YOBREGAT Olivier.

Representing stakeholders involved in associations for the conservation of plant genetic resources:
Mrs DATTEE Yvette, Mr GOURVIL Johan, Mrs JOUVE Hélène, Mrs LENOBLE-PREDINE Françoise, Mrs LE MEN Agnès.

Representing regional conservatories and public organisations with plant genetic resources conservation activities:
Mrs DELMAS Marine, Mr COQUIN Pascal, Mr COTTIN Roland, Mr CROZAT Stéphane, Mrs LETERME Evelyne, Mr MARCHYLLIE Michel, Mr VIGOUROUX Yves

Representing stakeholders involved in promoting plant genetic resources:
Mrs DRUGMANT France, Mr GAUTIER Jacques.


The Section’s missions, published by Decree of 27 May 2016, focus on four main areas of activity:

Official recognition of stakeholders and in situ, ex situ and “on farm” PGR collections

With the aim of increasing the visibility of French PGR collections for cultivated species and the work of actors involved in their conservation, a list will be drawn up of the plant genetic resources contained in national collection.

In order to officially recognise stakeholders, the CTPS Section members will establish criteria for the recognition of collection managers and national collection in France. These will be based on existing legislation and section members’ personal expertise in that area.

To apply for recognition, an application must be filed with the PGR CTPS Section.

Define priorities among target species and validate conservation schemes for threatened collections and “orphan species” 

Based on the inventory of threatened collections and orphan species carried out by the National Coordination Structure, Section members will define the priority species for which conservation schemes should be developed.

Validation of conservation schemes by Section members will ensure the long-term conservation of these collections, and make them available to PGR users in France and internationally.

Assist in the implementation of international PGR agreements

As part of France’s international PGR commitments, the Section is working on defining national collection and including it in the “common pool” (multi-lateral system) provided by the FAO’s International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).