News from the CTPS Rapeseed and other Cruciferous Plants Section of 31/07/20: testing methods adjusted due to COVID-19 and 9 varieties proposed for registration

3 Sep 20 Image

News from the CTPS Rapeseed and other Cruciferous Plants Section of 31/07/20: testing methods adjusted due to COVID-19 and 9 varieties proposed for registration

Despite a complicated 2019-20 campaign in terms of both climate and sanitary conditions for GEVES staff due to COVID-19, the commissions of the rapeseed and other cruciferous species CTPS Section were able to provide the members of the Section meeting on 31 July 2020 with the elements required to propose 6 new varieties of winter oilseed rape for registration in List A of the French Official Catalogue and three varieties in List B.

In detail, on the DUS studies side, at the time of the start of lockdown (mid-March 2020), the rapeseed trials were beginning to flower in the two GEVES DUS nurseries (L’Anjouère and Le Magneraud). Among the essential missions to be pursued, given the large number of characteristics to be monitored and the restrictive sanitary context, GEVES prioritised the studies on varieties in the 2nd and 3rd years of DUS studies and was thus able to complete the studies on these varieties that could be proposed for national listing in 2020. For the 1st year varieties in 2019-2020, their DUS studies are carried over to the 2020-21 campaign that has just begun.

The VATE studies have, although somewhat disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis, provided quality VATE results enabling the CTPS to make decisions on the varieties under study.

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