Harmorescoll aims to create a harmonised collection of reference material

7 May 20 Image

Harmorescoll aims to create a harmonised collection of reference material

In Europe, disease resistances are commonly used as defining characteristics of new varieties, particularly in the vegetable sector. The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) has published official protocols for resistance testing. Based on a 15-year experience in harmonising protocols between European countries and seed companies, we now propose to improve the availability of the most essential reference materials (control varieties and lines, isolates, differential hosts). Our aim is to build a new network, Harmorescoll, by using the experience obtained in existing initiatives that serve the same purpose in different European countries. Aiming for a harmonised collection of reference material: this is what Harmorescoll is dedicated to. The European consortium is led by GEVES and Naktuinbouw and includes many other stakeholders in public and private research. Harmorescoll is supported by CPVO funding.

Find out more about the project

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