19 Jul 19 Image


Alain TRIDON joined GEVES on 1 July 2019, succeeding Arnaud DELTOUR as CEO following the Administrative Council of 11 July 2019. Arnaud DELTOUR will continue his responsibilities until 31 July 2019, at which date he has chosen to retire. We would like to thank Arnaud DELTOUR for his investment at the head of GEVES and for his tireless work strengthening GEVES’s performance and growth, and expanding its scientific and technical expertise in varieties and seeds across a wide range of species.

Alain TRIDON was previously Head of the Department for Health Actions in Primary Production – Department of the Directorate General for Food (DGAL) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food). As a key interlocuter between GEVES and the DGAL for several years, he is very familiar with GEVES’s activities.

His appointment as CEO will support the continued strengthening of GEVES, a Public Interest Group with regulatory missions in the field of varieties and seeds on behalf of the CTPS and the SOC. These missions are carried out in support of public policies and under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture. GEVES also provides important technical support to the seed and plant sectors. It has unique skills and outstanding tools and equipment. It values ​​a privileged relationship with INRA, a major agricultural research organisation in France. GEVES is also building on its international partnerships and its participation in European research, as demonstrated by the recently launched H2020 INVITE project.

Alain TRIDON’s managerial skills, his knowledge of regulatory frameworks in the field of varieties and seeds, plant health and crop protection, and his extensive knowledge of the sector at national, European and international level will be valuable assets for GEVES’s development, for its relations with the seed and plant sectors and companies, and for its international development, in particular its partnerships with EU examination offices, GEVES’s counterparts.

With the arrival of Alain TRIDON, GEVES will continue to build on the strengths which make it an important player in the agroecological transition of French and European agricultural systems.

We wish him every success in his new role.


Christian HUYGHE

Chairman of GEVES Administrative Council

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