Recognition & Accreditation

Recognition & Accreditation

GEVES benefits from a global and harmonised Quality Management System.

Quality at GEVES

Quality is at the heart of GEVES’s activities. The objective of this approach is to provide GEVES clients and partners with the highest levels of service and reliability, whilst continually striving to improving the quality of its processes.

With a global and harmonised Quality Management System (QMS), GEVES has been recognised officially for its activities for many years now.

Recognition & Accreditation


GEVES is recognised officially for the following activities:

  • Certification ISO 9001: version 2015 – BioGEVES and VCUS variety testing (Value for Cultivation, Use and Sustainability)
  • Accreditation of GEVES’s SNES and BioGEVES  laboratories by Cofrac according to ISO 17025 standard:
  • Accreditation by ISTA since 2001 (N°FRDL0200) for seed testing
  • Entrusted by the CPVO for DUS variety testing since 2012.
  • Accreditation:
    • By the Ministry of Agriculture for the activities of testing plant material for harmful organisms and manipulating quarantine organisms.
    • By the Ministry of Higher Education and Research for the conservation and detection of GMOs, and quality testing of GMO seed.
    • By the DGCCRF for activities of analysis and testing at the request of the Fraud Prevention and Control department.
    • By the INAO for seed and variety testing activities.
  • As a public research organisation (public interest group), GEVES is authorised to grant Research Tax Credits (CIR). R&D related expenditures which are eligible to receive CIR credits and are entrusted to GEVES can be claimed in your company’s CIR expenditure.